Meni Valle is an Australian – Greek food writer and cookbook author.

Her rich Greek heritage, coupled with her love for travel and food, has seen Meni become one of Australia’s most-respected authorities on Mediterranean cuisine.

Greek Food & Photography Retreat

Ikaria, Greece
May 19 - 23, 2024

You are invited to the Greek Food and Photography retreat on the magical island of Ikaria.

Located in the eastern Aegean, Ikaria is blessed with a unique natural environment with waterfalls, beautiful streams and idyllic beaches: it is a nature lover’s paradise.

Immerse yourself in five glorious days and four nights of collaborative workshops and activities with Meni Valle, Lean Timms, Stephanie Stamatis and Tessa Kiros, and immerse yourself in traditional Greek village life and culture.

The Mediterranean Cook


Escape to the Mediterranean with ‘The Mediterranean Cook’, a cookbook that celebrates the fresh and flavourful cuisine of the region with more than 80 vegetable driven recipes.

From roasted eggplants and tangy artichokes to perfectly flaky pastry boats and juicy grilled plums and figs, each dish is an invitation to savour the sensational flavours of the Mediterranean.

Order your signed copy direct from Meni below.

More books by Meni

With intimate glimpses of the island’s festivals, produce, kitchens and people, ‘Ikaria’ is a cookbook that will transport and transform you.

Open your kitchen up to the flavours of the Mediterranean and introduce mouth-watering dishes from Spain, France, Italy, Greece and Lebanon.

Meni’s passion for the food of her childhood is in every one of these classic recipes, handed down through generations and enlivened by her own modern twists.

The Mediterranean plate is not only about the food but also about the lifestyle. ‘Mediterranean Lifestyle Cooking’ includes a selection of Meni’s favourite recipes from her first three books

Meni brings you on a journey into the use of essential pantry items. Beautiful recipes from breakfast through to dinner with healthy snacks and sweet treats that all the family can enjoy and benefit from.


Wild Greens Filo Pie

I have heard hortopita referred to as a ‘longevity’ pie many times, as its made with so many of the nutritional wild greens that Ikaria is celebrated for. It is perfect as a snack or a meal.

When I serve it with a side of Greek yogurt, it transports me to Greece every time.

Show me the recipe.

More recipes by Meni

Pasta, Rice & Grains


Vegetables & Salads

Meat, Fish, Poultry & Eggs

Sweet Things

Cooking Classes & Workshops

When she is not writing cookbooks, Meni shares her knowledge and passion for Greek food through cooking classes in her East Melbourne home and workshops in Greece, where she loves connecting with locals and discovering new recipes.

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“An affirmation of the beautiful, simple things that matter most.”

— Tessa Kiros

Follow Meni’s travels and tastes


“It was such a pleasure to be part of your trip Meni. You made the adventure so much fun and I will definitely make positive changes in my life (already have) as a direct result of Ikaria. I absolutely loved the farm visit/cooking demo, winery visit, and the paniyiri was an unforgettable experience. They were experiences I could only have had through a local.

I also loved hearing first hand from Thea about Ikarian life and concepts. I hope these talks will stay with me and bring positive change. It is such a special place where the simplicity of life is the key message. I absolutely loved the Ikarian holiday!”

- Donna Leigh, Australia